What will Sharon do?

A stalwart of the high street with 2 great brands that are possibly starting to tire - heres 5 things I would do in her place:
1. Commit to on-line. Even though Waitrose.com has been growing, it felt like they missed months in realising that the Ocado relationship was over. They need to continue to build the customer base.
2. Create a single John Lewis loyalty scheme. Bring all of the customers together under one banner and use the data to cross sell as much as possible.
3. Redefine what role a department store has on the high street. Hopefully they can become a beacon of hope in a turbulent city / shopping centre. Evolve beauty (like Next have done)? Double down on Baby? What is happening with clothing - stick or twist? The stores need to bing the new proposition together in an exciting, immersive way
4. How do you innovate around the core offer? insurance? design? installation? returns? leasing? Particularly when other DTC brands are focussed solely on those areas.
5. How to bring the partners with you - whatever happens everyone needs to be on the journey. Admittedly the writing is on the wall for many after bonus' were paused. They've got to believe. #brand #strategy #retail


Thought of the year


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